Minseok Jeon (전민석)
Research Professor
Software Analysis Laboratory,
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
College of Informatics, Korea University,
[Curriculum Vitae (CV)]
About Me
I am a research professor at Korea University. I received my Ph.D. from Software Analysis Laboratory at Korea University under the supervision of Prof. Hakjoo Oh. I enjoy developing domain-specific languages (DSLs) (along with DSL program synthesis algorithms) to address various challenges in programming languages, software engineering, and machine learning. I have developed DSLs for developing inherently explainable graph machine learning method and effective program analysis.
Research Interests
I am interested in designing domain-specific programming languages (DSLs) and developing program synthesis algorithms to address problems in various fiels. More specifically, my research aims to design domain-specific programming languages (DSLs) that can describe solutions to problems and develop program synthesis algorithms to automatically find these solutions in the DSLs.
- Designing domain-specific languages (DSLs) tailored to tackle challenges in programming languages, software engineering, and machine learning.
- Developing program synthesis algorithms for automatically generating programs (solutions) in DSLs.
Educational Background
- 2017.03 ~ 2023.02, Integrated M.S. & Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering. Korea University
- Advisor: Hakjoo Oh
- 2011.03 ~ 2017.02, B.S. Dept. of Computer Science, Korea University
Employed Positions
- 2024.07 ~ Present - Research Professor, Korea University
- 2023.02 ~ 2024.06 - Postdoctoral Researcher, Korea University
- PAFL: Enhancing Fault Localizers by Leveraging Project-Specific Fault Patterns
Donguk Kim, Minseok Jeon*, Doha Hwang, Hakjoo Oh* (*corresponding authors)
OOPSLA 2025: ACM Conference on Object-oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications
[pdf] - PL4XGL: A Programming Language Approach to Explainable Graph Learning
Minseok Jeon, Jihyeok Park, and Hakjoo Oh
PLDI 2024 : ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation
[pdf][link][slides][repo][연구후기] - Automating Endurance Test for Flash-based Storage Devices in Samsung Electronics
Jinkook Kim, Minseok Jeon, Sejeong Jang, and Hakjoo Oh
ICST 2023 : International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (Industry Track)
[pdf][link] - Return of CFA: Call-Site Sensitivity Can Be Superior to Object Sensitivity Even for Object-Oriented Programs
Minseok Jeon and Hakjoo Oh
POPL 2022 : ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages
[pdf][link][slides][repo][연구후기] - A Practical Algorithm for Learning Disjunctive Abstraction Heuristics in Static Program Analysis
Donghoon Jeon, Minseok Jeon, and Hakjoo Oh
IST 2021: Information and Software Technology, Volume 135, July 2021
[link] - Learning Graph-based Heuristics for Pointer Analysis without Handcrafting Application-Specific Features
Minseok Jeon, Myungho Lee, and Hakjoo Oh
OOPSLA 2020: ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications
[pdf][link][slides][repo] - A Machine-Learning Algorithm with Disjunctive Model for Data-Driven Program Analysis
Minseok Jeon*, Sehun Jeong*, Sungdeok Cha, and Hakjoo Oh (*co-first authors)
TOPLAS 2019: ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
[pdf][link] - Precise and Scalable Points-to Analysis via Data-Driven Context Tunneling
Minseok Jeon, Sehun Jeong, and Hakjoo Oh
OOPSLA 2018: ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications
[pdf][link][slides][artifact] - Data-Driven Context-Sensitivity for Points-to Analysis
Sehun Jeong*, Minseok Jeon*, Sungdeok Cha, and Hakjoo Oh (*co-first authors)
OOPSLA 2017: ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications
Academic Activities
Program Committee (PC) members
- ICFP 2025: ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming
- SOAP 2025: ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on the State of the Art of Program Analysis
- OOPSLA 2024: ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications
- 될 때까지 개선하기. SIGPL Summer School, Sungkyunkwan University. Aug. 23 2024 [slides]
- PL4XGL: A Programming Language Approach to Explainable Graph Learning. Paper presentation at PLDI 2024. Copenhagen, Denmark. June 27 2024 [slides]
- PL4XGL: 프로그래밍 언어 기법을 활용한 설명 가능한 그래프 기계학습 방법. KAIST (ProSysLab Seminar). May 03 2024 [slides]
- Data-Driven Static Analysis. CSE GSAI Seminar. POSTECH. Nov 15 2023 [slides]
- 그래프 패턴 언어를 활용하여 다양한 분야의 핵심 문제 접근하기. STAAR Workshop. KAIST. Jan 30 2024 [slides]
- Return of CFA: Call-Site Sensitivity Can Be Superior to Object Sensitivity Even for Object-Oriented Programs. Paper presentation at POPL 2022. STAAR Workshop. Jeju. Feb 11 2022 [slides]
- Return of CFA: Call-Site Sensitivity Can Be Superior to Object Sensitivity Even for Object-Oriented Programs. Paper presentation at POPL 2022. Philadelphia, USA. Jan 19 2022 [slides]
- Learning Graph-based Heuristics for Pointer Analysis without Handcrafting Application-Specific Features. Paper presentation at OOPLSA 2020, Online Nov. 20 2020. [slides]
- Precise and Scalable Points-to Analysis via Data-Driven Context Tunneling. Paper presentation at OOPSLA2018. BOSTON, USA. NOV 8 2018 [slides]
- Data-Driven Context-Sensitivity for Points-to Analysis. KCSE2018. Jan 2018 [slides]
(National Research Foundation of Korea) 설명 가능한 그래프 기계학습 방법 개발을 위한 프로그래밍 언어 기술 연구(Programming Language Technology for Explainable Graph Machine Learning), May 2024 ~ April 2029, Principal Investigator
Enough to Check Collatz Conjecture for 16k + 11 [paper]
- PLDI 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark. 2024/June/24 - 2023/June/30.
- ICSE 2023, Melbourne, Australia. 2023/May/13 - 2023/May/23.[photos]
- POPL 2022, Philadelphia, USA. 2022/Jan/17 - 2022/Jan/23.[photos]
- OOPSLA 2019, Athens, Greece. 2019/Oct/20 - 2019/Oct/26.
- OOPSLA 2018, Boston, USA. 2018/Nov/4 - 2018/Nov/11. [photos]
- OOPSLA 2017, Vancouver, Canada. 2017/Oct/23 - 2017/Oct/27. [photos]